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Ahmedabad is the largest city in the state of Gujarat. It is located in western India on the banks of the River Sabarmati. The present city was announced as the capital on March 4th, 1411 by Ahmed Shah I of the Gujarat Sultanate, as the new capital. Ahmedabad, ruled by many dynasties of Solanki rulers, Maratha, Moghul, and British, has always remained the centre of politics and a business hub. Ahmedabad also played an outstanding role in the country's struggle for freedom from the British Raj. The Indian independence movement developed strong roots in the city, which became the centre of intense nationalist activities. Today, Ahmedabad is a unique city because it blends harmoniously an ancient heritage with a vibrant present. What is remarkable about Ahmedabad is the harmony between art and industry, between a reverence for the past and a vision for the future.